Kia tū ai a Ngāti
Toa Rangatira;
Hei iwi Toa,
Hei iwi Rangatira.
About us
Mō Mātou
Ko Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira te mana kōkiri mō Ngāti Toa Rangatira. I whakatūria te Rūnanga i te tau 1990 hei tiaki i ngā rawa me ngā hua pūmau o te iwi.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira was established in 1990. It is the mandated iwi authority for Ngāti Toa Rangatira, and the administrative body of iwi estates and assets.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira manages political and public interests on behalf of Ngāti Toa Rangatira including Tiriti claims and settlements, commercial and customary fisheries, health services (including primary mental health and residential care services), social services, central and local government relationships, and resource and environmental management. It is also responsible for commercial interests including property assets. Te Rūnanga O Toa Rangatira Incorporated is a non-profit incorporated society with charitable status.
The rohe of Ngāti Toa extends from the Whangaehu River south along the ranges to Turakirae. It then crosses Raukawa Moana (Cook Strait) to Marlborough and Nelson. This is encapsulated in the tribal pepeha: Mai i Miria te Kakara ki Whitireia, whakawhiti te moana Raukawa, ki Wairau, ki Whakatū.
Moemoeā: Our vision is that Ngāti Toa is a strong, vibrant and influential iwi, firmly grounded in our cultural identity and leading change to enable whānau wellbeing and prosperity.
Whāinga: Our mission is to empower our whānau, reclaiming our own iwi self-determination, revitalising our environment through leadership, innovation, connectedness and exercising our rangatiratanga.
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Ngā whāinga o Te Rūnanga
Our purpose is to enhance the mana, wellbeing and prosperity of Ngāti Toa Rangatira iwi, hapu and whānau. We do this by empowering our whānau, reclaiming our iwi self-determination, revitalising our environment; through leadership, innovation, connectedness and exercising our rangatiratanga
Ngāti Toa Rangatiratanga
Advancing the health and well-being of all Ngāti Toa Rangatira whānau
Our whānau are thriving through:
Improved health
Increased educational and vocational achievement
Sustainable employment opportunities
Healthy and affordable housing.
Nurturing a resilient environment to sustain future generations
Our environment is sustained through:
Reclaimed connections and mātauranga relevant to our natural resources
Empowered kaitiaki who are leaders and co-managers of our natural environment
Our commitment to environmental sustainability
Our ability to adapt to the impacts of climate change
Te Ao Tūroa
Revitalizing and strengthening our identity as whānau, hapū and iwi
Our identity is revitalized through:
Whānau who are confident in their reo, tikanga, kawa and identity
Vibrant marae that uphold our kawa and are able to serve our varied and changing needs
Whānau who are strongly grounded in our history and whakapapa
Celebrating Ngāti Toa Rangatira culture and success.
Growing a sustainable economic base
Our prosperity is supported by:
A culture of self-determination, resilience and growth
Robust and ethical investments that are aligned to the aspirations of the iwi
Working collaboratively to grow the Ngāti Toa Rangatira economy
Protecting and growing our economic base to provide ongoing opportunities for whānau wellbeing and growth
Building a strong organisation founded on leadership and connection
Our organisation is strengthened by:
Sound governance and management structures that support growth and prosperity
Development and leadership opportunities for our tamariki and rangatahi
Platforms for the efficient and effective communication and connection of our people
Strategic partnerships that benefit our regional, national and international interests
Whai Mana
Our Office Locations
Whitireia Campus
A Block, Whitireia Polytechnic
3 Wi Neera Drive, Porirua -
Takapūwāhia Office
Cnr Te Hiko & Ngāti Toa Street
Takapūwāhia, Porirua -
Te Tauihu Office
Port Nelson, Whakatū