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Waitangi Day

Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed in Waitangi on 6 February 1840. After this, eight further copies of Te Tiriti were sent out around the motu to be signed by other iwi. Two of these copies came to Ngāti Toa. They are called the Cook Strait (Henry Williams) Sheet and the Herald (Bunbury) Sheet.

The Williams Sheet was brought from the Bay of Islands by the Anglican Church Missionary Society missionary Henry Williams on the schooner Ariel. This vessel was owned by Captain George Clayton who also witnessed the signatures. The Williams Sheet was taken to Port Nicholson (Wellington), Queen Charlotte Sound, Kapiti and Motungārara where Ngāti Toa chiefs signed it.

The Bunbury Sheet was brought from the Bay of Islands by Major Thomas Bunbury aboard the HMS Herald. It was taken to Port Underwood and Mana Island where Ngāti Toa chiefs signed it.

A total of 20 Ngāti Toa chiefs signed Te Tiriti on these two sheets on six separate occasions. Therefore, Ngāti Toa have six Tiriti signing dates.

7 February

Takapūwāhia Marae Committee