TOA - Te Roopu Āwhina

We work with whānau across Porirua providing social service support. Our services focus on individuals, whānau and hapori wellbeing and are delivered by working closely with a range of providers and Government agencies.

Our services include: Whānau Ora, Pātaka Kai Services, Tiaki Services, Whānau Whanake, Budgeting, Home-Based Support, Whānau Violence Prevention Education, Whānau Resilience, Te Kete Aronui, Care Services, Matua Whāngai, Youth Development, Social Workers in Schools (SWIS), and Iwi Social Workers.

Other programmes we offer

  • Whānau Whanake is a partnership of Iwi and māori Whānau Ora Providers who work collectively to deliver whānau-centred services based on a kaupapa Māori worldview. Our rohe, Te Upoko o te Ika, stretches from Kapiti, Porirua through to Wellington and the Hutt Valley. Our collective came together with a shared understanding that a joined-up collective Whānau Ora approach would provide the best support and help for whānau to realise their dreams and aspirations.

  • We facilitate Family group conferences in conjunction with Oranga Tamariki. At a care and protection family group conference, te tamaiti or rangatahi and their whānau or family come together to create their own solutions for the safety and wellbeing concerns, with support from Oranga Tamariki.

  • Te Pae Oranga is an Iwi Justice panel partnership between Wellington District Police and Ngāti Toa & Te Ātiawa.

    Te Pae Oranga Iwi Community Panels are a way Police, Iwi, and communities:

    • help people in trouble to get their lives back on track.

    • do right by people harmed by crime.

    • hold people accountable while offering a pathway away from the criminal justice system.

    • provide a unique and authentic process coordinated and led by Iwi.

    As well as looking at what happened when someone has offended, Te Pae Oranga looks at the reasons why, and what’s going on in people’s lives. That way, the panel can connect them to the right kind of services and support. Participants’ plans can include actions such as:

    • getting support to quit drugs and alcohol

    • getting a driver licence, a job or training

    • doing an anger management course

    • paying for damage (reparation)

    • hearing how victims were affected and apologising to them.

  • Te Whare Whakaruruhau o Raumanuka is a service for tane Māori who have been released from corrections facilities or are serving community-based sentences.

    The aim of the service is to provide a safe environment that will tautoko, awhi and manaaki tane in their journey of reconnection with their whānau and our community.

  • Our Iwi Led teamwork in partnership with Oranga Tamariki for the care, safety, well-being of tamariki and rangatahi, also providing support for their whānau. We have a Kaupapa māori team of Iwi Led Family Group Conference Coordinators, Iwi Led Social Workers and Kairangahau.

    We work alongside Oranga Tamariki when there has been a report of concern. Whānau are supported throughout the care and protection and/or Youth Justice process to become resilient and independent.