Te Umu ki Rangituhi 

Porirua’s First Social Supermarket

Te Umu ki Rangituhi will provide access to essential groceries. Whānau who access Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira social services will be supported to access the supermarket, and be able to select the groceries that best meet the needs of them and their whānau.

It is a safe space, without judgement and a lot of support. Both the Rūnanga and Foodstuffs recognize the challenges that people face from time to time. The hope is that by supporting them with positive opportunities will have a positive flow on effect.

How to access Te Umu ki Rangituhi

Access to the Social Supermarket is on a referral basis;

  • Whānau must be registered with TOA - Te Roopu Awhina,

  • Whānau on low income, beneficiaries, disabilities and kaumātua are eligible to register with TOA - Te Roopu Awhina,

  • Whānau must also live in our catchment area - Tawa to Pukerua Bay.

  • Ngāti Toa Iwi members who live in our rohe but are outside the catchment area are still eligible.

Your contribution

The Supermarket runs on a contributions and points system.

  • Single Adult can choose products up to a total of 55 points – contribution will be $34.00.

  • Small whānau (2-3 in a household) can choose products up to a total of 65 points – your contribution will be $40.

  • Medium whānau (4-5 in a household) can choose products up to a total of 70 points – your contribution will be $44.

  • Large whānau (6+ in a household) can choose products up to a total of 75 points – your contribution will be $48.

Once you have been accepted, details about how to pay your contribution will be shared with you.

If you would like to make a contribution. Click below


  • Whānau can shop 3x times per calendar year.

  • Te Umu ki Rangituhi is not a free service. We believe in a hand up, not a handout. Te Umu ki Rangituhi is based on a contribution system.

  • Tuesday -Friday
    10am - 4 pm

    Monday is an operational training day.

  • Whanau Ora

    Pataka Kai Services

    Tiaki Services

    Whanau Whanake


    Home Based Support

    Whānau Violence Prevention Education

    Whānau Resilience

    Te Kete Aronui

    Care Services

    Matua Whangai

    Youth Development

    Social Workers in Schools

    Iwi Social Workers

    For more information click here