Education Services
Kia tupu, kia rea, kia ea ngā moemoeā
Supporting our tamariki, rangatahi , and whānau in their education journey is a vehicle for enabling the development of our future leaders and a key priority for Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira.
Our Education and Employment Services provides a wide range of services that prioritizes Ngāti Toa Rangatira but also recognizes the need to support and manaaki others who live in our community.
Our Education services are delivered across two areas; Te Kete Mātauranga and Te Kete Whakapuāwai.
Te Kete Mātauranga is centred on the principles of whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and rangatatiratanga. We do this by acknowledging the wealth of expertise within whānau and aim to work together using a strengths-based approach.
Our mission is to ensure the provision of high-quality education services, information, and resources to support the educational achievement and progression of Ngāti Toa whānau. We aim to support learner-specific needs through the development of Mauri Ora plans and effective collaboration between whānau, iwi, and schools.
Te Kete Whakapuāwai is the Education Programme team. We work to design and deliver kaupapa that meet the strategic goals of Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira and Pātaka Toa.
Our mission is to support our whānau to learn, thrive, and prosper through programs that nurture and inspire connection, collaboration, and innovation in the education and employment space. Building on the storehouse of knowledge that is Pātaka Toa we foster pathways that provide opportunities for our whānau, hapū iwi, and community to experience success.
Te Kete Mātauranga
Puna Reo
Te Puna Reo o Ngāti Toa is a total immersion Early Childcare Centre that was established to enable our tamariki, mokopuna from the ages of 0-5 with the fundamental values and knowledge to help further their education in Te Ao Māori.
Other Education Services
Te Puna Mātauranga
Te Puna Mātauranga is centered on the principles of whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and rangatiratanga. We acknowledge the wealth of expertise within whānau, and aim to work together through a strength based approach to learning.
Our vision is to ensure the educational achievement of Ngāti Toa whānau through providing access to information and resources that enable a sustainable future for generations.
We aim to support learner specific needs through the development of educational plans and effective collaboration between whānau, iwi and schools.
Te Kura Taiao
He kura rūmaki reo mō ngā tau 1-8 Kura Tuatahi, Wharekura tau 9-13 tēnei kura.
The proposed kura will be total immersion for tamariki from years 1 – 8 and wharekura for years 9-13.
Ko tō mātou moemoeā kia tū tēnei kura ki runga o Whitireia, te waahi i whakaritea ai e o tātou mātua tūpuna i te tau 1848.
Our vision is for our kura to be located on the whenua our tūpuna selected in 1848, Whitireia, with a major focus on Environmental Sciences.
Anei ngā tau-wharewharenga e whā o tēnei whare, arā te whare o Iorangi nā Te Atanatiu Te Kairangi i homai i te tau 1881.
The curriculum will be developed using the four key mātāpono set out in the manuscripts of Ngāti Toa tupuna, Te Atanatiu Te Kairangi:
Whakapapa - Geneology
Ngā Mahi ā Ngā Tūpuna - Ancestral Practices
Tahuri ki te Ahu Whenua - Environmental Sciences
Pakanga - Resillience
If you have any questions please email us at
Te Kete Whakapuawai
TOA Driving School
TOA Driving School supports whānau and our community to feel confident to learn the skills to sit their Learner, Restricted or Full license. We aim to provide a culturally safe, comfortable, relaxed learning environment for our pakeke and rangatahi so we have more of our whānau licensed and safely driving on our roads!
Our Services include;
Learner License Course - Restricted License Course - Full License Course - Defensive driving lessons - One on one tailored training
Ūpane - Professional Learning Development
Ūpane is a professional development provider with the mission to support educators, teachers, professionals, services, and organizations across the motu to be culturally capable, competent, and connected. Our vision is for a truly equitable and thriving Aotearoa for our mokopuna today and into the future.
We are now live - check out our new space below!
Technology Hub
Our vision is to inspire and prepare our whānau to be lead creators and innovators in the technology industry. We aim to provide opportunities for our whānau to see their potential to learn, earn and thrive in the technology pathways.
The Technology Hub will:
Provide opportunities to gently introduce technology into their learning. Connect whānau to opportunities in Technology training pathways. Foster relationships with technology industry partners to connect training to earning potential with industry internships. Create opportunities to nuture Māori Technology Businesses. Create future technology leaders
Launching 2022!