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Our weekly iwi pānui provides feature news and articles of interest to Ngāti Toa Rangatira, the history of our people, and our tūpuna.

To receive the weekly pānui, check you are on the distribution list by emailing iwiregistrationadmin@ngatitoa.iwi.nz

Our Rūnanga Facebook & Instagram page enables our whānau to interact with us through social media as well as keeping up with what is happening.

  • The Māori Land Court provides online training to help trustees better understand their duties and legal obligations, and how to run trusts successfully.

    The training session is not recorded and is usually 1 ½ to 2 hours, including time for questions and answers.

    To enquire about or sign up for trustee training, please email us at mlc.trustee.training@justice.govt.nz and include:

    • full legal name

    • email address

    • contact phone number, and

    • application number (if any).

    The next available sessions will be held on:

    • Tuesday 25th March at 3.00pm

    • Thursday 27th March at 10.00am

    • Tuesday 01 April at 3.00pm

    • Thursday 3rd April at 6.00pm

    Click here for a full list of available sessions for 2025.

    Click here to access the Māori Land Court  Whakangungu taratī | Trustee training website for more information

  • Māori Land Court Succession Resources

    Succession is the legal transfer of land interests or shares from a person who has passed away (the deceased) to their descendants. In most cases, this will be from a parent or grandparent or someone you’re related to by blood.

    Click on the link below to find out more information on the different types of successions:

    • Click here to access information on Applying for succession

    • Click here to access information on Succession with no living descendants

    • Click here to access information on Succession application types

    • Click here to access information on Succession with a living husband, wife, or partner

    • Click here to access information on Succession and whāngai

    Click here to access the Succession Factsheet

    Click here to access the Māori Land Court Tauatanga | Successions website

  • Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Announces New Role in Whānau Ora Commissioning

    Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira is honoured to announce our new role in the commissioning space for Whānau Ora, delivering vital services across Te Ūpoko o Te Ika, Manawatū-Whanganui, Taranaki, Heretaunga, Tairāwhiti, and Waiariki (Region 2).

    We are excited to partner with Te Puni Kōkiri and our extensive provider network to continue empowering whānau and communities to achieve their aspirations, whatever those may be.

    As a long-standing Whānau Ora provider, we bring with us a wealth of knowledge and experience, alongside a deep respect for the legacy set by Kahurangi Tariana Turia and other trailblazers in this space. We are committed to honouring their vision and building on the foundation they have laid, as we embark on this next phase.

    Looking ahead, we remain excited about the opportunity to play a pivotal role in driving positive change and making a lasting impact for whānau throughout the regions. There is much work to be done in the coming months as we collaborate closely with Te Puni Kōkiri to finalize the details.

    We look forward to this exciting journey ahead. Further information to follow shortly.

  • From 30 April, the Board would like to invite interested iwi members to once again attend the Agenda and General business part of the hui. We feel that this will also foster transparency across Board matters and allow iwi members to stay informed.

    The meetings are currently held on the last Thursday of the month in Omere Meeting Room, Whitireia/Weltech Campus, 3 Wineera Drive, Porirua.

    Please note: The dates and venue may change from time to time. Any changes will be published in the weekly iwi pānui.

    Due to limited space and for catering purposes, we kindly ask that you register your attendance at least one week in advance by emailing governance@ngatitoa.iwi.nz

  • Are you on our Housing Register?

    The purpose of our Iwi Housing Register is to create a database of iwi members looking for housing opportunities with a particular focus on home ownership.  If you or your whānau, have yet to register then simply click the link below to email our team.  You will need to provide us the following in the email; Your name and the names of those in your household Iwi Registration number (if you can't remember, kei te pai we will search it for you) Your housing needs (i.e 3bdrm, to purchase)

    By registering on the Housing List you will also receive regular communications of upcoming opportunities to purchase a home, and in some cases rentals.  We will also have workshops coming later in the year to get you ready to purchase a home.  

    You must be registered with the Iwi Housing Register in order to get access to the housing opportunities that come up.  If you have any pātai you can email the team at


  • Did you know that Interislander has a travel discount arrangement with Ngāti Toa Rangatira iwi. The attached documents below outline the Ngāti Toa Rangatira rates for 2024 and 2025.

    The 2024 iwi rates are valid until the 15th December 2024.

    Please note: that there is a closeout period between the 16 December 2024 to 31 January 2025 where the iwi rates do not apply. Iwi members wishing to travel over this time will need to access the various online rates.

    The 2025 iwi rates are valid from 1st February 2025 through to 15th December 2025.

    Ngāti Toa Rangatira 2024 Discounted Rate

    Ngāti Toa Rangatira 2025 Discounted Rate

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