Growing a sustainable economic base. Our prosperity is supported by a culture of self-determination, resilience, and growth.
We continue to realize the benefits of robust and ethical investments that are aligned with the aspirations of the iwi, working together collaboratively to grow the Ngāti Toa Rangatira economy.
Fundamental to our ongoing success is the protection and growth of our economic base providing ongoing opportunities for whānau well-being and success.
What we do
Meet the Team
Boyd Scirkovich
Pou Ōhanga - Chief Economic Development Officer
Lewis England
General Manager - Property Acquisition & Operations
Alan Blundell
General Manager - Development
Repairs & Maintenance
The property team has had a particular focus on achieving Healthy Homes compliance for all Te Rūnanga residential housing and upgrading various residential and commercial properties across our portfolio.
These include completion of the Healthy Home components of all 25 residential whare and undertaking fit-out upgrades to Takapūwāhia Medical Centre, 17 Prosser Street, Whitireia Rūnanga Administration wing, and completion of a full integral upgrade of Te Hiko Street flats.
This is to allow for some of our premises to be a better fit for the purpose of delivery of Rūnanga services.
Completing these projects has created an opportunity for Ngāti Toa whānau-owned businesses to undertake this work, and to support the Rūnanga to complete this work successfully.
The Rūnanga prioritizes procuring services and goods from Ngāti Toa businesses first and foremost. If you are a Ngāti Toa iwi member offering goods or services and would like to be added to the register - find out more here!
Check out some of the Ngāti Toa businesses we have worked with below.