Te Tomokanga
Ngāti Toa Rangatira Consents Portal
Te Tomokanga is the portal to assist resource consent applicants engaging with Ngāti Toa Rangatira as required under the Local Government Act (2002) and Resource Management Act (1991). The purpose of Te Tomokanga is to help identify consent impacts on Ngāti Toa Rangatira and aid applicants in proactive engagement with mana whenua.
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira is the mandated iwi authority for Ngāti Toa Rangatira for the purposes of the RMA and LGA. This means we process consents on behalf of Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
Depending on the activity that requires resource consent, the values of Ngāti Toa Rangatira may be affected. The scope of the proposed activity will also determine whether a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) will be required. Your use of Te Tomokanga will assist us in determining engagement with the applicant and the requirement of a CIA.
If you are applying for any permits outside of resource consent, please email resourcemanagement@ngatitoa.iwi.nz.
*Please note this portal is in pilot and is still in development. Please contact resource.consents@ngatitoa.iwi.nz for more information.
Things to Consider
Sections 5 to 8 of the RMA makes specific reference to cultural values, the relationship of Māori to land and water, kaitiakitanga, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Any consent application must meet the requirements of the RMA, including those referenced above.
We strongly encourage conducting your own research on:
• Ngāti Toa Rangatira Claims Settlement Act 2014 and Statutory Acknowledgement Areas
• Relevant iwi planning documents (Te Mahere Wai, Rūnanga Strategic Documents etc.). We are currently in the process of developing our Iwi Environmental Management Plan and are looking forward to sharing it with you soon.
• Relevant legal documents (RMA, HNZ Pouhere Tāonga Act etc.).
• Documents that contain Sites and Areas Significant to Māori and iwi (District Plans).
We also urge you to research other policy/legislation that will guide your understanding of how your consent application might affect Ngāti Toa Rangatira.
Ngāti Toa is an affected party where the proposal has adverse effects on cultural values are minor or more than minor, in accordance with Section 95E of the RMA. In this case, there will need to be a written approval from Rūnanga.
In addition, written approval from Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira is needed for activities with minor or more than minor effects within, adjacent to, or affecting, Statutory Acknowledgement Areas.
Statutory acknowledgement areas are listed in Schedule 1 of the Ngāti Toa Rangatira Claims Settlement Act (2014). Schedules 3 and 5 also refer to cultural redress properties and notices in relation to RFR land.
Depending on the size of your consent application, there may be costs associated with your engagement with Ngāti Toa Rangatira. CIAs will always incur a cost to the applicant.
Self-Triage for Engagement with Ngāti Toa Rangatira
Te Tomokanga is a tool developed to gather information and help us understand whether you need to engage with Ngāti Toa Rangatira on your consent. The information you provide will also guide us on how we can engage with you moving forward.
Here are some questions to consider when drafting an application:
Please complete all sections of this form as accurately as you can and attach any relevant documents.
Once completed you will receive confirmation from us within 10 business days.
The form requires you to provide information regarding:
consent details
site details
contact details
supporting documents, e.g. Record of Title, Assessment of Environmental Effects, and any site plans.
If you have all your information and documents ready, the form should take about 10 minutes to complete. Once you’ve completed the form you will receive an email with details about your next steps.