
Revitalising and strengthening our identity means re-inserting ourselves back into the ecosystem to support a resilient environment in sustaining future generations. This requires Ngāti Toa Rangatira to lead out on tackling serious present and future environmental issues. 

Kaitiakitanga involves tino rangatiratanga for our iwi to lead and take action in the environment based on traditions of mātauranga, kawa and tikanga. Often this will be about the ability of Ngāti Toa Rangatira to exercise cultural responsibilities and obligations and undertake customary practices.

Our development of a kaitiaki monitoring framework aims to provide a space for Ngāti Toa uri to exercise tino rangatiratanga in their rohe by engaging with te taiao based on Ngāti Toa mātauranga, kawa and tikanga.

We invite iwi members to engage with our team through a number of wānanga throughout the year and our AGM about this developing framework. 


Te Rūnanga is currently scoping an Iwi Environmental Management Plan. This plan will be an expression of rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga – an exercise of active care and restoration by Ngāti Toa Rangatira over our rohe. The Iwi Environmental Management Plan will provide key principles, values, objections and actions to guide long term restoration by our iwi for te taiao.

Poutiaki Plan

Te Rūnanga is currently scoping an Iwi Environmental Management Plan. This plan will be an expression of rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga – an exercise of active care and restoration by Ngāti Toa Rangatira over our rohe. The Iwi Environmental Management Plan will provide key principles, values, objections and actions to guide long term restoration by our iwi for te taiao.