Tuatara Relocation
This week, we had the honor of participating in the relocation of two tuatara, Tāne and Tuahine, from Zealandia to Wellington Zoo. The day commenced with karakia and whakawhanaungatanga led by Uncle Mitch from Ngāti Koata. Kaimahi from Zealandia shared their personal experiences of caring for Tāne and Tuahine over the years; including spending many Christmas mornings ensuring they had their baths and creams to keep them in tip-top shape. Aunty Sharli-Jo also recounted stories of our kaumātua visiting Tāne and Tuahine at Zealandia, having the opportunity to hold them and connect with them.
Later in the day, Tāne and Tuahine were gently transferred from their enclosures into their transportation boxes. Before the move, they were taken around the roopu, allowing Zealandia kaimahi the opportunity to bid farewell to their reptilian friends. The experience was emotional for many kaimahi, as they had been dedicated caretakers of these two tuatara for numerous years. Witnessing the depth of their care for these taonga species and the hard work they invested in preserving and conserving them was heartwarming.
Tahua Tito and Tahua Burn, took on the responsibility of transferring the tuatara from their enclosures to their waka. It was truly inspiring to see our tamariki contributing to such a meaningful experience, They looked like two Ngāti Toa Taiao Rangers in the making.
Upon arrival at Wellington Zoo, Aunty Sharli-Jo introduced Tāne and Tuahine to their new home Te Hononga, in the Wellington Zoo Tuatara sanctuary. During this ceremony, Zealandia passed the responsibility of caring of these taonga to Taranaki Whānui and the Zoo staff.
The exchange was beautiful to witness. Ox Lennon, the Conservation Manager at Wellington Zoo, expressed the Zoo's ongoing commitment to care for and manaaki these tautara for the remainder of their time.
The occasion demonstrated how the collective responsibility to care for these taonga species is not borne by a few but by all. It highlighted the significance of collaboration between Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Koata, Taranaki Whānui, and organizations such as Zealandia and Wellington Zoo in the preservation and conservation of our beautiful taonga.