Remuneration & Appointments
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira has more than one hundred appointments to committees, boards, and subsidiaries. In 2021, the board made the decision to review the entire representative appointment process to ensure it was fair, open, and transparent. Obviously, appointments would still be made based on skill and experience, but by creating an appointment policy, the entire process would be openly visible and accessible to all.
In March 2022, the board established the Remuneration and Appointments (RAC) Committee, with Caleb Ware as the inaugural chair. Among other things, the RAC committee’s role is to implement the board’s appointment policy:
All vacancies are to be advertised via the Rūnanga communications channels
Assemble a panel of experts to conduct interviews, evaluate the applicants, and provide recommendations.
RAC then formalizes the recommendation and presents it to the board, which make the final decision.