Te Puna Reo o Ngāti Toa
Kia Toa, kia rere, kia Māori
Ka whakanunua te tamaiti ki te aroha
Ka whāngaia te hinengaro ki te wairua o ngā tūpuna
Whītikingia ia ki tōna turangawaewae
Ka whakaritea ana ki whakamua
Ka puāwai te katoa
Nā Tā Matiu Rei
Ka tū pakari ngā tamariki, ka matatau hoki i te ao māori me te ao hurihuri. Kia whakaako I ngā tamariki ki te whakapapa me ngā kōrero tuku iho o te iwi o Ngāti Toa, kia mōhio hoki te tamaiti ki tōna ao, te ao Māori.
Te Puna Reo o Ngāti Toa is a total immersion Early Childcare Centre that was established to enable our tamariki, mokopuna from the ages of 0-5 with the fundamental values and knowledge to help further their education in Te Ao Māori.
We are licensed to provide services for up to 50 tamariki.
Our Puna has two buildings which allows us to specifically design each area tailoring to their age group. The Whare Pēpi is for our under 2 year olds, and the Whare Tuakana is for tamariki aged two and over.
Te Puna Reo o Ngāti Toa operates five days a week Monday to Friday,7am-5:30pm. Te Puna closes all public holidays, however we will remain open during all school term breaks.
Enrolment Process
The enrolment pack includes:
An enrolment form
WINZ Childcare Subsidy form
A copy of the Puna Reo Information booklet
In the event that there are no available spaces your child will be placed on a waiting list and you will be contacted as soon as a space becomes available. Priority will be given to whānau that are committed to Te Reo Māori and Māori medium learning pathways. Priority will also be given to Ngāti Toa whānau and siblings of tamariki already attending Puna.
Along with your completed Enrolment form, you will need to also supply the following;
Passport or Birth certificate for your child
Your Childs Immunisation certificate
All new tamariki and their whānau will be shown around the Puna Reo and introduced to the kaiako as outlined in Te Whakatau i te Whānau – Whānau Induction Policy. A copy of Ngā Kaupapa Here - Policies & Procedure handbook is kept at the main entrance of both whare and is available to whānau at any time.
Our Location
8 Ngāti Toa Street
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
7am - 5pm
For More Info
Phone us : 04 237 9501
Contact our Kaiwhahaere Maia Jean Hippolite