Whānau Ora
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Announces New Role in Whānau Ora Commissioning
7 March 2025
Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira is pleased to announce our new commissioning role for Whānau Ora, delivering vital services across Te Ūpoko o Te Ika, Manawatū-Whanganui, Taranaki, Heretaunga, Tairāwhiti, and Waiariki (Region 2).
We look forward to working closely with Te Puni Kōkiri and strengthening our extensive provider network, as we continue the work we’ve already been doing, which is to empower whānau and communities to achieve their aspirations, whatever they may be.
As a long-standing Whānau Ora provider, we bring with us a wealth of knowledge and experience, alongside a deep respect for the legacy set by Kahurangi Tariana Turia, other trailblazers and commissioning agencies. We are committed to honouring their vision and building on the foundation they have laid, as we embark on this next phase of Whānau Ora.
We are deeply committed to our new role to continue driving positive change and making a lasting impact for whānau throughout our regions. There is much work to be done in the coming months as we collaborate closely with Te Puni Kōkiri to finalise the details.
We look forward to leading Whānau Ora through the next phase of its growth for all whānau of Aotearoa.
Whānau Ora Service Providers
He karanga tēnei ki ngā ratonga whānau ora - hono mai!
If you are a current provider of whānau ora services located in Region 2 (Te Ūpoko o Te Ika, Manawatū-Whanganui, Taranaki, Heretaunga, Tairāwhiti, and Waiariki) we’d like to hear from you. You can join our contact register below to receive regular updates from us and connect with us if you have any pātai.
Contact us at - whanauora@ngatitoa.iwi.nz
Media & Other queries
For media and other queries please contact us via the following channels
Media - communications@ngatitoa.iwi.nz
Phone - 0800 672 862