Welcoming Steven Johnson

Introducing our new Acting GM TOA-Te Roopu Āwhina Social Service Manager Steve Johnson

Ko Tararaua ngā pae maunga

Ko Manawatu te awa

Ko Tainui te waka

Ko Hoturoa te kaihautu

Ko Whakawehi me Kereru ōku marae

Ko Ngāti Whakatere me Ngāti Takihiku ōku hapū

Ko Ngāti Raukawa ki te tonga te iwi

Ko Aarona Makarika rāua ko Emma Kopa Te Rata ōku Tūpuna

Ko Steve rāua ko Tangiamio ōku matua

Ko Tipene Johnson āhau

I was born in Darfield, but raised here in Cannon’s Creek. I went to Brandon Intermediate and I am an old boy of Mana College.

I’ve spent the last 22 years living overseas...17 of those years were spent in Dubai, working throughout the Middle East and Asia. I have worked predominately in commercial operations, business development, stakeholder management and service delivery.

My previous roles include Advisor for the Presidential Guard National Service,  United Arab Emirates Armed Forces and Chief Operating Officer, Te Roopu Āwhina ki Porirua


·       Bachelor of Sports and Business Management - Lincoln University, Canterbury NZ

·       Post Graduate Diploma in Secondary Teaching - Canterbury Teacher’s College NZ

Current role/team members/which office are you based in?  

Acting General Manager Toa – Te Roopu Āwhina – based out of Walton Leigh Offices, Porirua.

What do you enjoy most about your new role at the Rūnanga?

I enjoy working at the Rūnanga, experiencing the vision and drive. I am looking forward to developing opportunities to enhance our community’s quality of life, wellbeing and holistic sustainability.

What do you think are the most important aspects of your role?

Realignment and implementation of the new Toa – TRA Social Services operations including; 

·       the implementation of the Mauriora framework

·       ensuring investment in our peopl e, developing talent, providing opportunities for growth and professional development

·       applying best practice to policies, procedures and structure

·       financial accountability

What do you do in your spare time? What is your passion? What does Mauriora look like to you?

I’ve always been involved in rugby. I played in Wales in the UK for several years and have been lucky enough to play all over the world. Since retiring, I have coached at different levels from Senior level to youth.

I love outdoor pursuits, music, fitness and enjoy involving my staff in team events such as charity walks etc.

In my previous life.....I was a soldier.

My favourite kai is Lebanese. I worked and lived in Beirut, Lebanon in 2008 and the food has not changed that much from the Phoenician times. Comfort food, fresh and full of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean flavours is the ultimate for me!

A whakatauki you'd like to share;

He kākano āhau i ruia mai i Rangiātea.

I am a seed which was sewn in the heavens of Rangiātea.

E mihi kā tika ki ā koe te tama ā Tū.  Hoki mai ki tō whenua, ki ngā wai teretere ō te moana ō Raukawa. 


Sara Keung Scholarship Recipient 2022


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