Have your say on how wastewater is managed in our rohe

Wastewater and stormwater are major sources of pollution of te taiao. Discharges often happen during heavy rain events and as a result of cross connections and overflows. Ngāti Toa and broader Māori perspectives towards wastewater are underpinned by the belief that water is a taonga, and that the health and wellbeing of people is directly connected to the health and wellbeing of waterbodies. This connection requires the practice of kaitiakitanga by mana whenua and active protection and care for waterbodies in their rohe.

 Taumata Arowai (The Water Service Authority) are developing wastewater environmental performance standards on how wastewater is monitored and managed. New Zealand’s publicly owned wastewater infrastructure is facing major challenges. A large number of wastewater treatment plants and networks are underperforming and in urgent need of repair.

 Taumata Arowai are engaging with mana whenua and communities to help develop unit standards to bring our wastewater network up to standard to be able to carry wastewater from homes and businesses to the treatment plants to remove contaminants before being discharged. 

 One of the case studies prepared for the wastewater standards is Te Awarua o Porirua and the impacts associated with the Porirua Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated infrastructure. Te Awarua o Porirua and other case studies provide valuable insights into the importance of mana whenua involvement in planning and decision-making processes for wastewater treatment approaches, as well as recognising the importance of te taiao for mana whenua.

 Whānau, this is your opportunity to have your voices heard on how wastewater is managed to protect the health and wellbeing of our waterways. The consultation process closes at 5pm on Thursday 24 April 2025. You can provide feedback by:

  • Click here to complete an online survey

  • Click here to access the discussion document to send in your responses and send them via email to kōrero@taumataarowai.govt.nz  or via post to Level 2, 10 Brandon Street, PO Box 628, Wellington 6140, New Zealand. 

 Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira will be making a submission on behalf of Ngāti Toa. Contact a member of Te Mana Taiao team for any assistance in relation to making a submission by emailing: taiao@ngatitoa.iwi.nz


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