Ngāti Toa proud to lead health reforms in Porirua

Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira and te iwi o Ngāti Toa welcome the NZ Government’s announcement that Porirua is one of nine localities selected to begin new ways of delivering health services to our community. 

Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira CEO, Helmut Modlik says the iwi is proud to lead and deliver changes to the health system within the Porirua community and has already made significant progress in enabling change. 

“As mana whenua, we see it as our responsibility to lead and support positive health and wellbeing of all those living in our community,” Helmut said. 

“Our services have been operating in the Porirua community for decades and we are excited to take on the leadership role.” 

Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira and Ora Toa Health Services will partner with Tu Ora PHO and other local health providers to identify the needs of the community and how health services can be better coordinated to ensure improved health outcomes within the region. 

“We have already tested the partnership and our ability to collaborate under the leadership of Ngāti Toa Rangatira with the successful delivery of the Tiaki COVID-19 Care in the Community programme as well as a range of other initiatives,” Helmut said.

“What these inititaves have shown is that we know our community, we know the people who live in our community and we understand what needs to be provided to make sure our community is not just surviving, but more importantly thriving.”

Last Wednesday 13 April 2022, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Te Āti Awa annnounced the members of the innaugural Āti Awa Toa Hauora Partnership Board, making them the first iwi across the motū to select the partnership board that will work with the Māori Health Authority and Health NZ. 

The Āti Awa Toa Hauora Partnership Board is made up of iwi members from Ngāti Toa, Te Āti Awa and the community. They will be the voice of whānau Māori and will focus on improving the health and wellbeing of all Māori who live in the Porirua, Wellington and Hutt Valley regions. 

“Getting ourselves into the best possible position to take on, lead and support the health reforms is a key priority for us,” Helmut said.

“This mahi gives us the chance to row our own waka while also changing and improving the health and social trajectory of all those living in our community. We are committed to intergenerational health and wellbeing, not just for our own iwi, but for all.”

For more information about the Āti Awa Toa Hauora Partnership Board, please go to


On the ground in Te Tauihu


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