Toa on Tour 2022

As you know we recently hit the road to get around the motu and over to Te Whenua Moemoeā to reach out to our iwi members, reconnect and share some kaupapa we here at Te Rūnanga have recently undertaken (specifically over the last 12-18months).

The focus of the roadshow was to provide further explanation of the recent DSP education transaction, update whānau on the housing developments and iwi benefits programme (Te Kete Hāpai). In addition, we were able to share some of the recent organisational successes including the development of the Mauri Ora model of care, as well as updates in our education, health and social service initiatives.

We had such an amazing time on the road, particularly reconnecting with whānau we haven’t seen in a long time - he kitenga kanohi, he hokinga mahara!

As promised below is a summary of the kōrero we shared on the road.


We have a number of Iwi Benefits available to our Ngāti Toa uri. We know that currently those who live outside of Porirua aren’t necessarily able to reap some of those rewards. One of the big kaupapa we discussed on this roadshow was how to introduce our current offerings under Te Kete Hāpai (the Iwi Benefits scheme). We listened to the ideas from whānau on what else they would like us to explore as additions to Te Kete Hāpai and how they can be benefited by the Iwi regardless of their location.

If you have any suggestions, you can let us know by emailing

Te Kete Hāpai - Iwi Benefits scheme current offerings


Another big kaupapa for Toa on Tour, was demystifying the Community Land Trust (CLT) model.

As you know, we have been busy securing a number of developments, properties and whenua - namely View Road in Titahi Bay with 24 townhouses to Kenepuru Landing with 700+ new homes to be built.

The CLT will be the model used for View Road which will be the first development completed and available for purchase (date tbc). How the model works is that the Land will remain in ownership by Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira. Iwi members will have the option to buy and own the improvements (the house) by way of perpetual lease.

This reduces a significant portion of the cost of purchasing a home by removing the underlying land costs (approximately 40% of the cost).


Finally, the biggest piece of news we came to share and talk through with you all was about the DSP deal we completed this year. The deal saw us purchase the land under 40 schools across the Porirua and Wellington region. You can read our full announcement about this here.

This is a significant deal for us as this agreement has enabled us to purchase and lease back 40 schools across Porirua and Wellington and reacquire the ownership of whenua that was lost to us for generations.

Through this investment, the lease back will ensure manageable repayment for the next 25 years and provide future economic returns that will secure the ability for our mokopuna to realise their future aspirations, and the aspirations of the iwi. This will essentially enable us, and fund us to provide you more benefits through Te Kete Hāpai.

We are in ongoing negotiations for the remaining 28 schools across the rest of Wellington and Te Tauihu, as well as some other crown owned properties - Prisons and Police Stations.

Thank you again to all of you who came to one of the Roadshows. It was such a pleasure to be in each others company, kanohi ki te kanohi, after so long apart. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for any future events we have coming up.

The full presentation can be found here


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