Tū Kotahi
Tu Kotahi is the Ngāti Toa business network with a focus on supporting business capability building
“Our vision is to build a strong circular Ngāti Toa economy”
Chief Executive, Helmut Modlik
Supporting our Ngāti Toa Businesses
Tū Kotahi has been established to help grow our Ngāti Toa iwi businesses with a focus on supporting business capability build.
Tū Kotahi is here to:
Give clear recognition of our businesses, and help them to be actively sought out by buyers
Create a community amongst our businesses, and help facilitate how they can work together in tendering for significant projects
Connect our businesses with other services offered by the Rūnanga
Support our businesses to employ more of our own
Give our businesses the care they need to build strength and capability
Put our businesses at the front of the queue for procurement opportunities
Tū Kotahi, is the newly established Porirua business and trade portal. Registering with Tū Kotahi, will increase the visibility of iwi businesses to government contractors so that you can be considered when local goods and services are required.
Networking and Events
Our aim is to host regular networking events and tailored workshops.
Through our events, we will provide opportunities for businesses to network with one another, building both internal and external connections.
For more information please email: tekuaha@ngatitoa.iwi.nz
Dates TBC