Implementing mātauranga Māori in the restoration of our taiao

The long-held dream to implement mātauranga Māori and indigenous biodiversity into environmental restoration and care is rapidly becoming a reality for Ngāti Toa. 

Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira, Pou Matarau, Naomi Solomon says that Ngāti Toa has partnered with The Department of Conservation to deliver ‘Te Kāinga Ururua’, a Porirua wide indigineous biodiversity restroration project that commenced in October 202, with funding worth $1.56 million.

“A key aspiration for Ngāti Toa is to see the use of our own traditional knowledge and practices in the restoration and care of our environment,” Naomi said. 

“By partnering with The Department of Conservation, and working with the Takapūwāhia and Hongoeka Marae Committee, Greater Wellington Regional Council and the Porirua City Council, we now have the opportunity to implement our own practices and make a real difference for our iwi and our rohe.”

Operations Manager for the Department of Conservation, Angus Hulme-Moir said the department looks forward to working with Ngāti Toa. 

“We are really excited to see Te Kāinga Ururua come to fruition. It will have lasting benefits to both the Taiao and local communities. DOC looks forward to sharing in this work, particularly at places like Mana Island,” Angus said. 

The $1.56 million investment in Te Kāinga Ururua will be delivered over a three year period and outlines key deliverables across the Porirua region including:

  • fresh water stream restoration and monitoring

  • coastal monitoring, riparian and coastal planting

  • plant and animal pest control

  • education and engagement with the wider community; and

  • cultural materials protections.

Naomi says the funding will also assist in growing the knowledge base of traditional restoration and biodiversity practices as well as providing employment opportunities for Ngāti Toa. 

“We have a number of iwi members who have a strong understandng of whakapiki mauri (indigenous biodiversity and restoration) and this partnership gives us the opportunity to not only ensure that more of our whānau are educated in our traditional practices and become practitioners themselves, but they also gain employment and recognition for their mātauranga. ”

For more information about our Taiao mahi, please visit   


The National Biodiversity Strategy Announcement on Te Mana o Kupe


Tiaki by name, tiaki by nature