Tiaki by name, tiaki by nature

Since it’s establishment earlier this year, Tiaki Porirua has provided manaaki and health support to over 3000 people and their whānau living in the Porirua region who are in isolation due to COVID-19.

Tiaki Porirua Manager, Ranei Wineera-Parai says the initiative, led by Ngāti Toa and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira, focuses specifically on providing COVID-19 care in the community to all those who live in the Porirua region and have been required to isolate with COVID-19. 

“As mana whenua, it’s really important to us that we show leadership and care for all people living in our community who are directly impacted by COVID-19,” Ranei said. 

“We’ve seen first-hand, the need in our community and being part of such a genuine and meaningful kaupapa has been extremely rewarding.” 

Formed as a partnership between Ora Toa PHO, Tu Ora PHO and the Porirua City Council, Tiaki Porirua was developed in recognition that there would be whānau who would struggle to remain in isolation and focus on their rest and recovery if they were to get COVID-19. 

When a person tests positive for COVID-19 and their results are logged into My COVID Record, their information is passed on to Tiaki Porirua by their GP or Capital and Coast DHB.

It is at this point that Ranei and her team swing into action.

“Our first step is to drop off a care and hygiene package that includes an information pack, face masks, hand santiser, RATs tests, and helpul medicine like panadol.”

“We then carry out a follow up phone call to get an understanding of what other support they might need to isolate at home. Many of the people we contact have everything they need but where it’s identified that whānau are in need, we provide that support.”

The support Tiaki is able to provide includes:

  • Kai for the entire whānau (including pets)

  • Collection and drop off of prescription medicines

  • Access to basic necessities such as cleaning products and equipment

  • Educational material and entertainment needs for tamariki

  • Access to essential technology such as wifi or credit for cell phones.

In some instances, Tiaki Porirua has also provided financial assistance if a whānau has no other means to pay essential bills like rent or electricity.

Additional to manaaki support, Tiaki Porirua also has a team of health professionals whose job it is to provide health care if needed, particularly people and their whānau who do not have a family doctor and aren’t registered with a medical centre. 

“We have nurse Barbara Vardey (Tu Ora PHO) and Dr Sean Hanna (Ora Toa PHO) working for us to provide medical care and treatment for anyone who does not have a family doctor or is not registered with a local medical centre.” 

While Tiaki Porirua was initially established to provide support to anyone with COVID-19 living in the Porirua region (Linden to Pukerua Bay), the rōpū has been instramental in supporting similar programmes in the wider Wellington region.

“True to our name and our kaupapa, we have stepped in to help out in other regions, particularly the Hutt Valley where we have seen a very high number of COVID-19 cases.”

“Our programme is not expected to be around for a long time, but while we are here, we will do everything we can to help our community, our whānau and our iwi.” 

Tiaki Porirua is funded by the Capital and Coast District Health Board and the Ministry of Social Development. 


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