Te Roopu Āwhina join our whānau
In October last year, the board of both the Governance and Management teams of Te Rōpū Awhina and Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira met and reviewed their service compatability and agreed to merge Te Roopu Awhina within Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira.
This is an exciting time for both organisations to come together to share expertise, and strengthen the health and social services.
A joint merge governanace Group and Project team are in place and will lead us towards a merge date of 31 January 2022.
There will be no immediate change to service delivery which means that you will still be working with the same case worker.
We would like to reassure you that our priority remains to provide quality health and social services to our people while we navigate through this merge. We recognise that our Tautiaki Whaiora staff across both organisations know the community well and have strong connections to the whānau and community, so this is vital to ensure the ongoing success of the service.